None (other Lamb) - SSSSAAAATTTTBBBB choir
None (other Lamb) was the first setting of a number of poems by Christina Rossetti that have stirred my creative imagination. It had a rather long gestation --- six years from initial inspiration to final notation --- coming at a time when I had just finished my dissertation, our daughter was born, and I was seeking a career change that ultimately led to moving to the Pacific Northwest. Rossetti’s entire poem hauntingly resonated during this intense time of transition, but it was not until life settled down a bit that I was able to finish the setting. The final result is music that contrasts traditional harmonic language capturing Rossetti’s initial confident statements of faith with a more chromatic idiom expressing the existential crisis at the end of the poem. Its a deep faith tested through the crucible of life's trials.
File format
The downloadable file is in .pdf format.